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ERP Evaluation & Selection   
Making the Right Decision the First Time


One of the most critical elements of any ERP system is the selection process. This can be a daunting task, and unfortunately businesses underestimate the importance of this. Furthermore, the selection process actually has a heavy impact on the success or failure of the implementation, as this is where user acceptance and managing the change begins.

Business Meeting
ERP Challenges - Why Selection is Critical?


In most instances where companies have had a negative experience with implementing an ERP system, you will hear the following challenges and pitfalls:

•      The project cost more than was budgeted

•      The project took longer than was expected

•      There was a high level of user dissatisfaction and a lack of buy-in

•      The business had to change to fit the system

•      The defined benefits were not realized

•      Capabilities/functionalities that were sold were not delivered

Business Meeting
ERP Selection - Lessons Learned

•      Ensure a corporate wide understanding of the need for ERP

•      Focus on business requirements and processes first

•      Involve all areas of the business in the selection/planning process

•      Be sure it’s the right time for ERP

•      Develop a business case that will measure business improvements

•      Ensure executive commitment throughout

•      Focus on increasing knowledge not information

•      Don’t rush the ERP selection process

Brainstorming Session
ERP Optimization

No matter what stage of its life-cycle a business is in, it can always continue to improve. Many times these improvements come from optimizing processes and technology. We have a unique methodology to identify opportunities for improvement and the benefits these will deliver.

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